St Augustine grass is a blue-green lawn that thrives in warm, moist conditions. It's an extremely popular turf choice around the world.
However, your lawn is susceptible to various types of broadleaf weeds. Fortunately, there are several best control methods available that can help eliminate them from your lawn; these include herbicides and other weed control solutions.
Best Organic Weed Killer
There are several ways to control weeds on your st augustine grass lawn, but the most effective option is using an organic weed killer. By opting for organic treatment, you won't use any harsh chemicals on your yard which is better for your health, the health of your pets, and family members alike.
Selecting the ideal weed killer for your situation depends on several factors, such as where you live and the types of weeds that are growing in your lawn. For instance, if there are numerous broadleaf weeds taking over, opt for an organic product that won't harm grass.
Pre Emergent Herbicides In Early Spring
Pre-emergent herbicides can be applied in the early spring and fall to prevent weeds from sprouting before they have a chance to take root. They also work on existing weeds to stop their growth or spread.
Corn gluten meal, which is a natural protein found in the endosperm of corn kernels, has proven to be an effective preemergent herbicide. It inhibits root formation for common broadleaf weeds like dandelions and grassy weeds like crabgrass and keeps your lawn healthy and green by stopping its growth.
Pre-emergent weed control products can be purchased at most local gardening supply stores and should be applied before seeds germinate. Some pre-emergent herbicides require more than one application during a season, so check the label for instructions on when and how often to apply them.
Post Emergent Herbicides - Best During the Growing Season
Another option for controlling weeds in your st augustine grass lawn is citrus oil, which can be diluted with compatible ingredients to create an organic weed killer that works effectively on various common weeds, and plants. Citrus oil acts as a powerful solvent, breaking down waxy coatings on weeds and leaves to break down tough weeds such as nettles, dandelions, and sodweed with ease. The major downside of using citrus oil to kill weeds is that the product is non-selective, meaning that it will eliminate all manner of weeds and grasses that it comes in contact with. This means that unless you are careful about where you spray it, you might end up with brown and dead patches in your st augustine grass. And while this may not be a total disaster, it may make your whole augustine lawn a bit unsightly while the grass regrows in that area.
Other Organic Herbicides to Kills Weeds
Other natural weed killers include baking soda, borax, and liquid soap. While these are all effective options for controlling weeds naturally, caution should be exercised when using them since they can damage soil, water, and root zone. For instance, baking soda and borax both deposit boron into the soil which is toxic to plants; on the other hand, liquid soap is safe to apply directly onto lawns and will effectively eliminate most types of weeds.
White Vinegar
White vinegar is widely used to kill weeds because it quickly and effectively eliminates tough-to-kill grass weeds and many broadleaf weeds. Plus, it works great for eliminating grubs and other pests from your grass without using harsh chemicals which could be hazardous to humans, pets and the environment. One major downside of using white vinegar to kill weeds - is that it may require a second application a few weeks later, to completely eliminate the problem.
However, be sure to follow the directions on your weed killer carefully or it could damage your St Augustine grass lawn. If you have young children or animals in the home, use a safe weed killer for St Augustine grass that does not contain harsh active ingredients.
Weeds can be a major issue for lawn owners who strive to achieve an attractive green lawn. Without professional weed control services, weeds will quickly take over your property and make maintaining it difficult - especially if you don't have the time or funds to invest in one.
To effectively eliminate weeds in your St Augustine grass, try using a solution of vinegar and salt as a weed spray. Not only will this eliminate them but also prevent them from sprouting again. All you need to do is create an effective 5-percent solution of household white vinegar with salt, along with some liquid dish soap.
Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle and apply to your lawn when conditions are sunny and dry. Doing so helps strengthen the vinegar, making it more effective against weeds.
Mulching as an Alternative to Post Emergent Herbicide
White vinegar can also be used to eliminate weeds in your garden that are growing in areas with little sunlight. Covering them with mulch after treating them with a good dose of homemade herbicide will cut off their water and air supply, thus slowing their growth rate. Re emerged weeds can be treated again
Another option is to sprinkle some vinegar on each weed. The acid will effectively kill it from within, so be sure not to get it on grass or other plants nearby.
It's essential to note that vinegar can harm all plants and grasses, so it should only be applied as a spot treatment instead of on the entire lawn. Furthermore, it may be necessary to reapply vinegar every couple of weeks or so in order to prevent weeds from returning.
Mulching Materials
Mulching materials are an effective way to control weed growth in st augustine grass lawns. Not only does this keep soil temperature under control, but it helps prevent frost heaving during wintertime as well. Mulches can be composed of many items; the two most popular are wood chips and grass clippings.
What type of mulch you select for your yard depends on your individual requirements. Organic or inorganic mulches are both acceptable options; no matter which one you select, make sure it won't do any harm to the environment or compromise your health in any way.
Organic mulches are an excellent way to improve the health of your soil and inhibit weed growth. Furthermore, they boost nutrient levels in the garden and prevent erosion.
St Augustine Grass Mulching Options
These can be created from a range of materials, such as straw, leaves, compost and hay. Additionally, you can recycle materials like cardboard or even shipping boxes for an eco-friendly touch.
Mulches are an affordable way to give your yard a beautiful aesthetic without breaking the bank. Additionally, they have many beneficial effects for the soil; they help replenish nutrients that may have been depleted due to chemical fertilizers.
St Augustine grass mulches can help prevent weed growth and add nutrients and vibrant color to your gardens or flowerbeds. Whether you want to mulch all of your lawn or just a section, this low-maintenance method makes it simple to get started. You can even recycle the freshly moved lawn, and use the grass blades as a cover to prevent weed emergence.
Depending on the soil type, you may need to fertilize your St Augustine grass in order to keep it healthy. If your lawn is dry and thirsty, add some water in order to prevent weed growth. Alternatively, spray with an effective weed killer such as Eco Living Solutions Weed & Grass Killer.
Mulch can protect your st augustine grass against harsh weather conditions like frost, hail and snowfall. Furthermore, it helps prevent fungus and mildew from forming - which can be a major issue for this grass type.
Mulches come in two varieties: organic or inorganic. Inorganic mulches are made from synthetic materials, while organic mulches come from nature itself.
Dish Soap
Dish soap can effectively eliminate many lawn pests, such as grubs and ants, by breaking down their waxy cuticle. However, you should only use dish soap as a pesticide after diluting it with water and applying it directly onto affected areas.
Some dish soaps also contain phosphates, which can help break down oil and grease but which are potentially hazardous to the environment. When these chemicals reach lakes or streams, they encourage algae blooms that reduce water oxygen levels.
Today, many dish soaps contain non-phosphate ingredients which make them safe to use on plants and grass; however, always test any new product on grass form a small patch first to make sure it won't damage your lawn.
Mixing Other Herbicide Ingredients with Dish Soap
Dish soap can be an effective weed killer when mixed with vegetable oil and water in a spray bottle. Once applied to affected areas of your lawn, be sure to hose off any remaining dish soap or vegetable oil within an hour to avoid damaging grass or plants.
Dish soap also has the added advantage of killing moss, which is often an issue in gardens and can easily be removed without destroying grass.
Moss can be easily killed with a mixture of dish soap, water and vinegar. The dish soap will dissolve the moss while the vinegar helps to destroy it by penetrating its cells and breaking down its structure.
This homemade weed killer works best on sunny days when the sun can heat the mixture sufficiently to do its magic. Apply it early in the morning so that it has time to warm up as the sun shines down throughout the day.